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Not just tough - arguably the most difficult Bar Exams on the planet. It strikes fear into the hearts of students all over the world. But it doesn't have to. Being ready for the bar exam means knowing Prop 8, or being able to list the various remedies available to a person who just received an unambiguous anticipatory repudiation. You will need to understand International Shoe, as well as Hadley v. Baxendale. But do you need to know the Bulge Rule? Has the Younger Abstinence doctrine ever been tested? Should I study the Rule Against Perpetuities or is the answer really always "C"? It's just not an easy exam, nor should it be.
Don't waste time on nonsense and instead focus on what will actually be on your exam - we trim the fat for you. And if you want to practice in California you're taking the exam, so don't get tied up in the "abolish the exam" noise, it will only distract you from your Esq. As I learned in the military over 30 years ago - it's not a good deal, it's not a bad deal - it's THE deal. So plan to lock down, plan to pass, and put this mess behind you.
Big-Box is bringing in heavy-hitters. They will overwhelm you with some of the best legal minds in the industry. You will recognize their names from the $300 case books we bought in every class in law school. And they will bore you to no end with 4-hour videos and Supreme Court level vocabulary. They will force you to check SnapChat, encourage you to call friends, and all the while their videos will still be running on your computer screen. You aren't learning from that process, and by the way, congratulations, you just bought that mess, add that $6K to the other $250K you owe the kind people at FAFSA.
My approach was radical. I'd never pass, completely irresponsible, etc. I usually heard this from professional tutors that feed fear to anyone willing to pay for a solution. Instead, I simply disposed of the nonsense, and built a plan that did only three things - the Big 3: Answer MBE questions, write essays, and write performance tests. Cal Bar is not asking you to watch a video during the exam, nor are they asking you to pull out an outline phonebook and highlight whatever you feel is important. (Tell me you haven't done this, then realized the only thing you didn't highlight were four instances of the word "the." You should have got a black marker and just blacked-out the four words you deemed unimportant...)
The California Bar Exam just doesn't need to destroy your generational wealth. I passed the exam spending less than $500, and I could have spent less. Spoiler alert - ask me about the mandatory things you will need, including, (discount code "Edmond"), and, (also discount code "Edmond"), likely two of the most valuable study aids on the market, which I resorted to as much as my own California Bar Essay Rules 2021.
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