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Running away and enlisting in the Navy at the ripe old age of 17, I managed to serve 21 years, earn a Presidential Commission and retire as a Naval Officer in 2007. My next stops were Barclay's Bank, London, Glenn Defense Japan, Northrop Grumman's Unmanned Aerial Division, and Law School. It's been anything but a boring ride... And never did I expect to be writing a law book, nor teaching a bar course.
Nothing in my past ever led me to believe I would have concurrently held the top three positions of Amazon's Best Seller list with my audio book, paperback and kindle book. My California Bar Exam Essay Rules 2021 has done just that, with the Paperback, Audio Book and Kindle Book holding these three positions in January of 2023. Additionally, my Law School Essay Rules continues to punch above its weight, providing a useful resource to current law students across the United States.
My newest book, Bar Essay Boot Camp is a workbook used in conjunction with my live, 9 hour workshops. This book provides readers with a full overview of my simple approach to the California Bar (don't do things that Cal Bar doesn't ask you to do!) and presents essay questions from all testable subjects, the Performance Test, as well as issue spotting and memory recall writing assignments.
In the works, my California Bar Essay Writing Workbook will provide readers with all they need to know to pass the essay portion of the exam without wasting any time or brain cells on untestable nonsense, acronyms or other policies, procedures or templates. It will contain step-by-step guidance on how to tackle essay writing, in a succinct, straight-forward manner, as well as the required frameworks frequently tested on the California Bar Exam. Importantly, it will give you only what you need to memorize, exactly as you need to memorize it, ready to be recalled on exam day. None of my books are giant phone books with untested law or unnecessary banter - I get to the point, and present what you need to memorize, and that's it. This book will augment my best-selling bar course, the No Bull Bar Prep bar exam review course.
I started my college career at the Northern Virginia Community College, taking night courses while holding a full-time day job at the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. I earned a Bachelors of Science Degree from the University of San Diego, a Masters Degree from the University of Cambridge, UK, and a Juris Doctorate Degree from the Thomas Jefferson School of Law. I can emphatically state that I received excellent professorship from each of these institutions, and in addition to my Bar Course, I serve as an Adjunct Professor of Law at Thomas Jefferson, teaching Adjudicatory Criminal Procedure and Federal Criminal Practice.
Despite having a full-time day job, I've enjoyed writing, and enjoyed lecturing, so much so that this side-hustle continues to be an unavoidable passion.
My foray into Law Lecturing is my third role in formal teaching. I started off teaching various computer science classes at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, and also taught Naval Science and Celestial Navigation at the University of San Diego.
Recently, I've returned to lecturing, taking a position as an Adjunct Professor of Law in the Summer of 2023, and co-authored Adjudicatory Criminal Procedure, Cases and Materials, 2023. Currently, in addition to my bar course, I am teaching Adjudicatory Criminal Procedure and Federal Criminal Practice at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law.
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